UVG: The Modules

The modules we played and didn't play

I ran an Ultra Violet Grasslands campaign in 2021. Here are some of the modules that were in play.


I used Skerples’ map with Trilemma and other adventure locations added to it.

The Coming of Sorg - Cultists were rainbowlander servants, laborers and misfits, priests were porcelain princes, and the demons were ancient arthropods returned to life. The cultist motivations rolled ended up all in agreement: kill the high-priest. Combat dragged a little with multi-bodied participants. Should have run each as a kind of swarm.

The Lantern of Wyv - The whole set-up reminded me of a dilapidated amusement park, so that’s what I made it. Wyverns were re-skinned as giant parrots. Magic items became unknown technology. The mad wizard became a mad, mutated scientist. The Mutant ended up one-shotting her. My favorite thing preparing this module was the random DCC dragon rules. They created the perfect parrot-dragons (gust of wind, rock-dropping, and magical speech).

The Oracle’s Decree - My one complaint with this one is the name. The Oracle is a possible side-encounter. The real thing is the keep. The players expected to find the Oracle there, because I expected it to be there and had NPCs tell them the keep was the place to go. The party accidentally killed the “oracle” when it tried to eat a book. When they learned what they had done, there was much humorous grief.

The Motes of Eternity - Didn’t get too deep into this one. Tried tying it to the Apocalypse Ark by having the death-advocating spirit be the same Ultra, with the furry creatures being early creations of hers. The bug-zapper was cool, but the statue puzzle didn’t work out and they moved along.

The Sorceror’s Feast - Put this one in the house floating above the Forest of Meat. Added a meat-shrubbery with runners spread around the house. It thought it was the previous owner. Playing with the artifacts was fun, but the party was of too high level to really be challenged by the boars.

The Raindrinkers - UVG lore has mutants scattered among most every population, but for our game mutants have their own culture as well. So, the Raindrinkers were nomadic mutant tribes with long memories. The info here was really great.


Broken Factory - The “traps” were meh, the map was too abstract for spatial positioning, the garbage golem had a lot of health and wasn’t very interesting. I really liked the waiting room, many nice touches there. Free cars were very nice treasure in the UVG.

Capsule from Beyond - I like this puzzle, but the players noped out of it. There’s not a compelling hook aside from “the doors lock behind you”. They were able to peek in and get out without being locked in.

Mystery of the Moon Monolith - Put this on the Near Moon. “The doors lock behind you” worked a little better here. The fight with the space mummies was among the most balanced challenges in the campaign. Could have used a little more forethought about how the reactor should work. They tried shutting it off, and why wouldn’t that work? And what would that imply if that wouldn’t work? There should have been tunnels leading deeper into the moon mini-mega-dungeon from the lowest level, but I forgot. I regret that.

Un-Used OPDs

  • Ascent of the Robot God
  • Buried Pyramid of the Undergod
  • By Esophagus Brood
  • Crawling Tent City of the Camel Men
  • Deep in the Purple Worm
  • Dungeon From a Distant Star
  • Into the Worm’s Gullet
  • It Came From Outer Space
  • Maw of Snails
  • Panopticon
  • Prisoners of the Gelatinous Dome!
  • Ros In Ros
  • Roving Wheel
  • Shipwrecked in the Weird Sea
  • Silent God Tower
  • Sunken Tower
  • Temple of the Moon Priests
  • Thaw
  • Walk Away Tower
  • Big Pineapple
  • Flight of the Moon Beetles
  • The ChronoLabyrinth of the Shattered Aeon
  • The Contemptible Cube of Quazar
  • The Planeshifted Insectarium of St. Tindalonius

Other Modules

Red Demon - Like this one a lot. The layout and writing are sometimes difficult to read at the table, but the concept and little details are great. It didn’t blow up, but they looted the place pretty well and stun-locked the frog-monster. They were nice to the robo-chirurgeon and didn’t die when they let it operate on the first subject. The second subject should have died, but I didn’t have the heart for it.

MCC:Apocalypse Ark - This really fits in with the UVG. It’s a wild vehicle tearing through the landscape. The villain is clearly an Ultra. The party was able to ward off the infectors and their danger sense steered them away from the tracks. We came to this late in the campaign and I wasn’t certain if all the potential combat in this one would be an action climax or a late-game slog. In the end, I decided not to force it.