How Many Kinds of Miniature Game Are There?

How big is the space in which we can play games with small pieces?

What am I talking about?

There are a lot of different kind of video games. Not only with different themes, but some games you control one character, and in others you control squads, armies, or nations. Some games are about fighting, others about farming. Some games you keep playing until you lose, others you get to try again from where you stopped. Some games can’t really be won or lost. Some you play by yourself and some you play with others. When playing with others, you might be trying to help or hurt one another, or it might not be clear.

There are also a lot of different pen and paper role-playing games. Some where you control a character, others where you might share control of a character with others, and some where you might be playing as the world itself.

But is there so much variety in miniatures games? They mostly seem to be about squads or armies of troops clashing in battle. How many kinds of games are there?

Kinds of Kinds

I want to examines games on less conventional measures. Not on theme or die-rolling rules. I want to extend normal measures beyond their usual limits. How far above or below the norm can you go?

I should try to focus on those categories that are most relevant or typical to miniatures games, and not to all games.