Review: Sweaters by Hedgehog
A solo journaling game about knitwear
What Is It?
Really, just what it promises to be. A journaling game where you are a hedgehog with a shop selling sweaters to other woodland creatures.
Roughly based on the Quiet Year (at least it uses a deck of playing cards to generate prompts in a number of categories).
6 Pages - Title, premise, and 4 tables.
What did I Like?
The cover art is delightful. The premise is very cozy.
Many good prompts. They worked out serendipitously a few times.
No wasted time! I’ll try not to waste time here.
What did I Not Like?
The table for sweater colours was less useful than the others.
The table for creatures could have been a little more.
What more would I ask for?
Something for seeing customers again. I suppose I could just play again.
A little more structure. Maybe there’s a festival at the end of the season?