A List of the Peeves of Everett True

Boy, he sure is mad

100 Years Ago

There was a newspaper comic, that ran from 1905 to 1927, called The Outbursts of Everett True. The format was simple. In the first panel, someone commits a social transgression. In between, it is implied, Everett True delivers a powerful blow to the transgressor. In the second panel, we see the effects. Everett True is a portly, middle-aged man with a bowler hat and an umbrella. Somehow, this is all better than it sounds. It really works!

A List of People Deserving of a Wallop

I read a collection of over 250 strips and made a list of everything that caught Everett’s ire. An interesting (?) reflection of the mores of the time.

  • pranksters who put kick-me signs on others
  • people who annoy you for their own amusement
  • old men who look at peep-shows
  • shoe salesmen who try to tell you which shoes to buy
  • people who waste your time with card tricks
  • drivers who are cruel to their horses
  • people who refer to their wives as “the old woman”
  • people who do not observe proper gun safety procedures
  • people who tell you your straw hat is out of style
  • people who ask how to spell words instead of looking them up in a dictionary
  • people who use the phrase “hat in the ring”
  • men who act tough but are obedient to their wives
  • graffiti artists
  • people who think they know everything about politics
  • people who talk during plays
  • people who enforce formal dress codes in hot weather
  • people who make funny faces in photographs
  • old men who dress like they’re young
  • pornography enjoyers
  • hypocritical vegetarians
  • people who ask you for the time while you’re carrying heavy luggage
  • racists
  • guests who take too long to leave
  • cheating ice-sellers
  • men who wear wrist-watches
  • people who don’t say please
  • people who block passage-ways
  • people who complain about your stubble
  • women who wear hats that get in your face on public transport
  • pedestrians who wander back and forth on the sidewalk
  • people who sneeze right on you
  • people who stick their feet out on public transport
  • people who think they know secrets for preserving life
  • sell-out politicians who argue against women’s suffrage
  • people who leave banana-peels out on the streets
  • barkers who shout out onto the street
  • wife-beaters
  • people with beards who kiss babies
  • men who wear feathers and bows on their hats
  • people who read over your shoulder
  • wives who make you buy a new hat
  • snake oil peddlars
  • people who leave the door open when they come in
  • busy people who give you their card
  • people who laugh too much when telling a story
  • people who can’t get to the point
  • men who wear fashionable clothing and moustaches
  • people who make fun of your black eye
  • people who say “hot dog” instead of “sausage”
  • people who try to start arguments about religion
  • barbers who use dull razors
  • people who like the fuzzy hat your wife made you buy
  • shopkeepers who sell poor coffee
  • people who goad dogs to fight
  • un-masculine Christmas gifts
  • muggers
  • wives who make you visit neighbors
  • churches that give money to foreign missions instead of local needy
  • people who block the sidewalk
  • rude telephone conversers
  • people who tease dogs
  • people who hitch horses to your young and fragile tree
  • practical jokers who make loud noises to startle you
  • litterers
  • people who question his methods
  • people who seek political appointment for personal gain
  • people who only talk about themselves
  • people who use the slang term “joint” to refer to a business
  • weak handshakes
  • purple prose
  • people who ask to cut in line
  • warhawks
  • people who spit chewing tobacco on the sidewalk
  • “special cures”
  • people who affect a self-important manner
  • “food-cranks” who tell others what to eat
  • people who try to sneak out on paying back loans
  • uninvited dinner guests
  • people who try to start arguments
  • men who refer to women as “skirts”
  • women who don’t say thanks when you give up your seat on the bus
  • barbers who gossip too much
  • people that bring their unruly children to church
  • swimmers who pretend to be drowning to startle on-lookers
  • people who wear their hats at an angle
  • people who ask you to lie to their spouses on their behalf
  • bartenders who serve drunks
  • people who throw stones at birds
  • stubborn people who won’t concede an argument
  • people who threaten children, even in jest
  • sloppy letter-writers
  • people who go on holiday when they owe a lot of money
  • people who take pictures of you in your bathing costume
  • people who spit chewing tobacco onto the floor of your office
  • people who ask you to solve potentially racist word-problems
  • people who talk down firemen
  • people who curse in front of children
  • people who ask questions that are none of their business
  • non-voters
  • late dinnerguests who keep others waiting
  • houseguests who overstay their welcome
  • cigarette-smoking at table
  • sidewalk-hogs
  • people who toss burning matches on the street
  • horse-kickers
  • ear-pickers
  • politicians who support big business
  • men who wear wrist-watches
  • men who swear in front of ladies
  • people who evoke sympathy for millionaires stranded by war
  • people who use fancy words to show off
  • pocket-change jinglers
  • whistling
  • moustache-fiddlers
  • drivers who honk at pedestrians
  • borrowers who return your books in poor condition
  • people who block alleyways
  • gossiping barbers
  • people who walk across your lawn instead of using a path
  • men who wear perfume
  • door-to-door salesmen
  • reachers
  • men who buy themselves a new suit
  • drivers who honk their horn late at night
  • would-be war-profiteers
  • parents who get mad at children who dirty their clothes
  • callers who are rude to telephone operators
  • new parents who are overly fond of their children
  • spitting on the side-walk
  • politicians who appeal to patriotism
  • people who tease the animals at the zoo
  • drivers who don’t put chains on their tires in poor weather
  • supporters of temperance who hypocritically go drinking
  • litterers
  • comedians who heckle the audience
  • people who won’t shut up at art galleries
  • people who tell puns at work
  • people who hog the conversation
  • telephone tough guys
  • people with New York accents
  • back-slappers
  • women who giggle on public transit
  • men who try to talk to you on public transit
  • excessive horse-whippers
  • old people with long stories
  • people who play music late in the night
  • shops that are always closed
  • people who ask you your weight
  • politicians who turn against their promises
  • people with advice for how to avoid a cold
  • people who cry at tragedic theatre, but are not charitable to those suffering in real life
  • domestic abusers
  • barbers who leer at women while working
  • people who think this war will be the last one
  • people who correct your grammar
  • men who get manicures
  • people who end every sentence with “see”
  • people who touch you while talking
  • guests who stay too long
  • pastors who talk about the latest news
  • adults who tell children that there is no Santa Claus (x2)
  • evolutionists
  • litterers
  • dainty new neckties
  • passengers who take up too much space on public transit
  • parents who won’t let there kids play with firecrackers
  • people who set off firecrackers early in the morning
  • people who titter at nudity in art galleries
  • hypocritcal parents who shame their children by claiming to have been better behaved themselves
  • barbers who try to upsell you a massage
  • houseguests whose absence from the breakfast table necessitates a second breakfast
  • barbers who ask too many questions
  • drivers who hitch their horses out of the shade
  • police officers who abuse newsboys and peddlars
  • rich people who scorn laborers
  • men who wear shirst with a feminine collar
  • people who don’t say thank you
  • people who don’t recognize Columbus Day
  • people who talk in the theater
  • equivocators
  • phonographs
  • guests who talk poorly of their hosts
  • social activities
  • people who put their Christmas shopping off
  • priests who marry young women to old men
  • people who force their way through the sidewalk
  • useless Christmas gifts
  • people who are ungrateful for Christmas gifts
  • corporate lawyers
  • people who trust in clairvoyants
  • debtors who won’t pay up
  • public displays of affection
  • pushy pedlars of sheet music
  • people late for appointments
  • door-to-door salesmen
  • people who kick dogs
  • people who don’t use the phonebook
  • office tattle-tales
  • politicians who don’t do good for their constituents
  • arguers who use ad hominem
  • plumbers who charge too much
  • people who bring their noisy infants to church service
  • borrowers of books who don’t return them
  • men who wear wrist-watches
  • political candidates who hand out cigars
  • barbers with onion breath
  • inattentive shop clerks
  • pedestrians who wear a path across your lawn
  • advertisers that spoil the landscape with billboards
  • bystanders that laugh when you chase after your hat
  • people who buy drinks when they can’t provide for their families
  • office-women who come crying to their boss
  • anyone who wouldn’t let a billboard burn down
  • men with thin narrow moustaches
  • neighbors who don’t mow their lawn
  • people who laugh at those who speak English with difficulty
  • motion picture companies that ruin adaptations of novels
  • proprietors that serve a poor cup of coffee
  • neighbors with noisy birds
  • movie posters with lurid scenes
  • people who leave their cat alone when they leave for vacation
  • people who kow-tow to the wealthy
  • men who swear in front of women and children
  • practical jokers who blow out your match
  • shopkeepers who would sell a revolver to a 16-year-old
  • transit workers who lick their fingers before handing you a ticket
  • young women employees who run off and get married
  • big, bushy, unsanitary beards
  • jokers who don’t give you the time when you ask
  • advertisements before motion pictures
  • lawyers who call you a liar in questioning
  • jokers who make cracks about your appearance
  • clerks who put your change on the counter, instead of in your hand
  • dead relatives who want you to abstain from alcohol and tobacco
  • people who try to push their way through crowds
  • ladies who want to join the gentleman at cards
  • diners who wipe their hands on the table cloth
  • speeches that are just dry collections of statistics
  • whistlers in the office
  • dandies
  • esoteric topics in church sermons
  • bearers of bad news who can’t break it gently
  • immigrants who talk down the country they came to and talk up the country they came from
  • men who don’t say “yes, ma’am” to older ladies
  • strict guards who won’t let you get your umbrella after closing time
  • amateur theatricals
  • butchers who try to sell you hamburger
  • arguers with no good opinions who argue for the sake of arguing
  • parents who don’t let their sons play and get dirty
  • bad singers
  • people who go outdoors half-dressed
  • bench-sitters who complain about patriotic children making noise in the park
  • people who ask how long the war will last
  • draft-dodgers who get married to avoid the war